
Micro-label indépendant fondé en 2014 et basé en Seine-Saint-Denis,

Entrefer se focalise sur des projets liant musiques expérimentales, pratiques artistiques contemporaines et théorie du chaos.

Independent micro-label founded in 2014 and based in Seine-Saint-Denis,

Entrefer focuses on projects linking experimental music, contemporary artistic practices and chaos theory.

"Entrefer" (Titre original "The bridge"), de Iain M. Banks


"Some things echo more than others. Sometimes I hear the last sound of all, that never echoes because there is nothing to bounce back from; it is the sound of final nothing, and it comes booming through the great pipes that are the bridge's marrow-less bones like a hurricane, like God farting, like every shout of pain collected and replayed. I hear it then; a noise to rupture ears, split skulls, shatter walls, break souls. Those organ pipes are dark tunnels of iron in the sky, enormous and strong; what other sort of tune could they play?
A tune fit for the end of the world, the end of all life, the end of all things.
The rest?"